RTG/RMG Container Crane
To reduce loading and unloading times of large container vessels the container storage area (container yard) needs to be managed in the best possible and most efficient way. Depending on the degree of automation in modern container terminals this can be managed by two types of container management cranes: Rubber Tired Gantry Cranes (RTG) or Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes (RMG).
Although the task for both types of cranes is very similar – to manage input and output of containers into a container block or stack – the functionality and technical requirements for these types of machines are significantly different.
RTG cranes are operated by onboard drivers. The main function is to load containers from trucks or terminal tractors to the container block and vice versa. Typically RTG’s span 5-8 containers in width and 3-5 in height. Standard RTG cranes are equipped with diesel engines to provide power for travel and lifting. Energy and data transmission to the RTG trolley is provided by festoon systems or energy guiding chains.
RMG cranes are fully electrified cranes. Main power supply and data transmission is managed by dedicated and highly dynamic motor driven cable reels. RMG cranes are typically wider and higher than RTG cranes. Due to automated functionalities and additional onboard monitoring equipment the requirement for data communication on a RMG crane is much higher. Energy and data transmission to the RMG trolley is managed by highly durable Energy Guiding Chain systems. Fully automated RMG cranes are known as Automated Stacking Cranes – ASC
Conductix-Wampfler has decades of experience and know-how in the container handling industry. We offer reliable, practical, and customized solutions for the electrification of cranes and other port machinery. Our customers’ global activities are supported with our turnkey systems and strong after-sales service from our worldwide sales and engineering network.
We offer:
Motor Driven Cable Reels – customized, with magnetic or variable frequency drives to manage high dynamic long travel main power supply and data communication. Continuous energy and data transmission is guaranteed by special medium voltage and control slip ring assemblies as well as rotary fiber optic transmitters.
Cable Festoon Systems – durable and reliable; motorized or non-motorized to manage trolley-travel power and data cables on container cranes.
Energy Guiding Chains – durable and efficient management of power, control and data cables for crane trolley-travel.
Conductor Rail Systems – conductor rails provide power and control for crane long-travel in combination with dedicated data transfer systems.
Cable Protection Systems – Trenchguard and CoverZip systems cover and protect cables in trenches along the RMG crane rail.
Hauptstromzuführung für die Kranfahrt von 4 automatisierten Stapelkranen (ASC)
Hauptstromzuführung für die Kranfahrt von 4 automatisierten Stapelkranen (ASC)
Hauptstromzuführung für die Kranfahrt von 4 automatisierten Stapelkranen (ASC)
P&O Antwerpen (Belgien)
Gottwald Port Technology, Düsseldorf
Motorleitungstrommel (frequenzgeregelt)
400 m
240 m/min
5,5 m
Rheyfirm 8,7/15kV, 3x35 + 2x25/2 + OFE (8G62,5+10E9)/125
Relevant Products
Motortrommeln - für hohe Dynamik [HD]
Additional information
Ausgereifte Geschwindigkeits- und Drehmomentkontrolle - ideal für hochdynamische Anwendungen
Hocheffiziente Komponenten und Baugruppen mit geringer Massenträgheit
Exakte, schonende Leitungsführung für eine hohe Lebensdauer der Leitung und Systemzuverlässigkeit
Optimaler Korrosionsschutz auch unter aggressiven Umgebungsbedingungen - Flansch und Trommelkörper aus feuerverzinktem Stahlblech oder Edelstahl
- Spreader bei Containerkranen
- Containerkrane (STS, RMG, RTG, E-RTG)
- Automatische Stapelkrane
- Intermodal-Krane
Product data
Standard Einsatzdaten
- Wechselstrommotor mit Magentkupplung (MAG Drive): bis zu 180 m/min
- Frequenzgeregelter Antrieb (SMART Drive): bis zu 300 m/min
Wickellänge: max. 700 m
Außendurchmesser Trommelkörper:
- spiralig wickelnd: 1.100 mm - 8.000 mm
- einlagig wickelnde Spreadertrommel: 1.200 mm
- Typ BNA / A3X: 1.100 Nm - 11.000 Nm
- Typ NCR: 2.500 Nm - 11.000 Nm
- Energieübertragung Niederspannung: max. 690 V - 1.600 A
- Energieübertragung Hochspannung: max. 24.000 V - 500 A
- Signale: max. 500 V - 25 A
- Daten: LWL, mA
Temperaturbereich: -40 °C - +60 °C
Conductix-Wampfler GmbH
Merkezi Almanya Türkiye Şubesi
İMES Sanayi Sitesi
C-308 Sokak No:19
Dudullu OSB/Ümraniye
Phone: +90 216 511 58 64
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